Homepage :p

Welcome to my silly little blog! Have a look around

Quick thoughts:

watching video timeline of ‘Orphan’ n waiting 🤔

blog under construction!!! *robot dance*

more posts coming soon!

im going to be making more time to write some posts this weekend! I have so much I want to talk about and share- I just haven’t had the time 😦 keep an eye out!


Shimmery Pieces in the Mosaic of My Life

am everyone I’ve ever loved, especially those who have drifted the furthest. I carry around your pieces of my mosaic in my pocket, taking you from place to place, showing you off. Maybe one day I’ll laugh too hard or get so busy dancing that your piece falls at…

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a quick letter to you, old friend

sometimes I lay in bed and I think about you. and I think and I think and I think until eventually I think… do you think about me? do you lay in your bed and stare at the creases I’ve made? see something that reminds you of me before shaking…

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Quick and Easy Avocado Toast Recipe

Ingredients: Avocado toast is both delicious and easy to produce. Of course, there are plenty of more complex recipes out there, but I am a firm believer that simple can often be better. Keep in mind, this isn’t a perfect recipe- I am still working on swapping a few things…

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Spring Semester, Winter outfit

Good morning! Long time no see, silly little blog. Today is my first day back in class! It’s currently 28 degrees in Austin, and while the university has not canceled classes, a good number of professors have taken it upon themselves to cancel their classes today. Jeez Louise, my hands…

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